Workshops! ---- Go your own way

And a super-duper video.. The song was in my head all day, and I didn't even know it was from one of my favorite bands, untill I've YouTubed it and here it is:

My oh my.. I've been asked from my big boss to do Workshops in our little shoppe. Oh my, I love th idea of it, but it's also a bit scary.. which I like, actually.. I think I'm gonna just Jump! and see what happens, I've got some more time untill September. So, let's research!
I went out alot with my friends this week, and we've been eating, drinking and sleeping together like one big family. Which was great! Now it's kinda back to organising some papers and files at my job. New filing system ---> love it! I like to keep things organised, like in 'organise', or 'lists' and 'things to do-lists', without them I would never get anything done. My mind is organic, but the system we live in, isn't! So we need these little helpful schemes to make it easier and therefore much more possible to create.
Organisation creates liberation and therefore inspiration which will lead eventually to creation. That's my own little shant I tell myself everyday.. it really helps me out.

Here are some pictures I've been making with my mobile...

Julzy with her amzing new red bag..

You can even wear it on your back, this amazing red bag!

Marcsje eating a very thin pizza..

Buttons for dinner!

After dinner sewing..

On my bike bringing the new goodies home..

Julie from work.. (all those Julzys, Julies and July's..)

Martine from work.. looking rather cool..

Julz and July talking about 'LOVE'..

and here's Julzy Wulzy looking out for her new boyfriend..

Had a wonderful week.. And I've got plenty of pictures more, but that's for another day, another post.. I'm gonna make a very big pot of Spaghetti tonight.
Yumyum in my tumtum..
Yes, Sir!


  1. I'm back from Spain! I went on camp there, and making friends is easy. So I got to wake up and eat with friends every day too. I had such a great time. I like seeing your pictures, it makes me miss my own camera even more. It broke when I was on holiday, probably because of the sun or something.


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