A love story - Miss Bella Billie meets Mister Wittitterly Cruickshank

First of all, here are THE RUTLES !!

I've made my third doll today.
I'll call her Bella Billie.

Here's a look inside her private photo album:

Bella Billie getting stuffed.

She has big round eyes and long eyelashes.

She is quite a lady with her colar of Broderie Anglaise.

Oh, and surely doesn't waste any time.. here she is with her new boyfriend. Mister Wittitterly Cruickshank! He's quite the lady-killer. And has a soft spot for freshly stuffed lady-dolls.

But she doesn't mind.. Sunset, soft long arms, and fresh green felt beneeth your feet.. Who wouldn't?

She feels very safe in Wittitterly's arms.

Good luck you two! May your buttons never fall of..

Now, I'm making a big knitted colorful blanket for when it gets colder in November.
I'm knitting it with my wonderful knitting machine I got from work. It's so fast and simple.
I just love it!

All kinds of different colors, knitted and then put together with a crochet hook.

My super-duper knitting machine..

When my blanket is finished I'm gonna take a nice picture of it. I'm still thinking how to finish it of. Maybe I'll use a big ribbon to go round the edges of the whole blanket. We'll see..
In the meanwhile, let's have some milk and cookies.. (the cookies are from Martine from work, the milk is from an unknown cow..)

And tonight I'm gonna watch Alex in Wonderland, one of my favorite Seventies movies.. (with Donald Sutherland, Jeanne Moreau, Ellen Burstyn and even Fellini!

Before I go, DO
Check out this, Four Eyed Monsters. I got it from Eva's blog.

Watch Section 2 on MySpace TVWatch Section 3 on MySpaceTV

Buy the Four Eyed Monsters DVD which also includes episodes 1 to 8
Watch Section 2 | Watch Section 2
See the story of the film created in Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8
