Fiesta Mexicana, with moustache

So here are my new freshly made pins and buttons, to wear on your sweater, to pin on your bag, to give as a present to a very special friend (or loverrrr)..

And the pinch-crew, used for decorating your electronic wires or anything else..

The pins and buttons

Buttonbear, with one all seeing eye!

flower with googly eyes

Two flowers, loving to be on the button!

Fiesta Mexicano! with moustache!

Another Buttonbear -button!

They come with a pin.. they're pinups!

And here are the Pinchers!

The Pinchbrothers, they like eachother very much

A girl Pinchbrother, isn't she the cutest?

The Pinchbrothers in action on my webcam wire..

Soon available at


Friday I'm visiting Amalia for the video photo and movie shoot! I want footage of her on her swing in her attic/lounge room.. so that will be funny! She's also making some dinner, so it's kind of a work/party get to together..

Here is are the lyrics of the Bonus Track song:


Bonus Track

This is just me
Just let me be
I have nothing to offer
But starlight sometimes

Weak and distant
But honest
One galaxy too far
Threw down a gauntlet

Show me your cigarette
I look just like it

You know nothing of me
But what I look like to thee
You know nothing of how
It is where I am

I may have gone
But my light shines on
You won't really know
You can't really tell

Grant me you wisdom
Save me your judgement
There's nothing you know
That really matters
Where I am

Grant me your wisdom
Save me your judgement

Amalia Vermandere - Wild Mild


That's just a great lyric in my point of view!

Tomorrow it's Doll Time!


  1. Those are some lovely buttons, Nikolas. As always, you bring such flair to detail and whimsy to the most routine of objects.


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